Barbara Hicks Death
Barbara passed away on September 6, 2013 at the age of 89.
Barbara Hicks death quick facts:
When did Barbara Hicks die?
September 6, 2013How old was Barbara Hicks when died?
Barbara Hicks Birthday and Date of Death
Barbara Hicks was born on August 12, 1924 and died on September 6, 2013. Barbara was 89 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 12, 1924
Date of Death: September 6, 2013
Age at Death: 89
Barbara Hicks - Biography
Barbara Hicks (12 August 1924 – 6 September 2013) was an English film actress. She appeared in Terry Gilliam's 1985 cult film Brazil and Merchant Ivory Productions's 1992 Bafta award-winning Howards End.