Barbara Laage


Is Barbara Laage Dead or Still Alive? Barbara Laage Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Laage

Barbara Laage Death

Barbara passed away on May 21, 1988 at the age of 67 in Dauville, France.

Barbara Laage death quick facts:
  • When did Barbara Laage die?

    May 21, 1988
  • How old was Barbara Laage when died?

  • Where did Barbara Laage die? What was the location of death?

    Dauville, France

Barbara Laage Birthday and Date of Death

Barbara Laage was born on July 30, 1920 and died on May 21, 1988. Barbara was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 30, 1920
Date of Death: May 21, 1988
Age at Death: 67

Barbara Laage - Biography

Barbara Laage was French leading lady of the 1950's and 60's. She was born on July 30, 1925 in Menthon-St. Bernard, France.
Barbara Laage was a popular leading lady in French films during the 1950s. She came to film in 1948 after working in theater and performing in nightclubs. She made her debut in an American film, B.F.'s Daughter and then returned to France.

She was known for The Respectful Whore (1952), Un acte d'amour (1953) and Ce soir on tue (1959).
The Rita Hayworth role in The Lady from Shanghai (1947) was originally written for Barbara Laage.
She died on May 21, 1988 in Deauville, France.