Bathilde d'Orléans


Is Bathilde d'Orléans Dead or Still Alive? Bathilde d'Orléans Birthday and Date of Death

Bathilde d'Orléans

Bathilde d'Orléans Death

Bathilde passed away on January 10, 1822 at the age of 71.

Bathilde d'Orléans death quick facts:
  • When did Bathilde d'Orléans die?

    January 10, 1822
  • How old was Bathilde d'Orléans when died?


Bathilde d'Orléans Birthday and Date of Death

Bathilde d'Orléans was born on July 9, 1750 and died on January 10, 1822. Bathilde was 71 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 9, 1750
Date of Death: January 10, 1822
Age at Death: 71

Is Bathilde d'Orléans's father, Louis Philippe I Duke of Orléans, dead or alive?

Louis Philippe I Duke of Orléans's information is not available now.

Is Bathilde d'Orléans's mother, Louise Henriette de Bourbon, dead or alive?

Louise Henriette de Bourbon's information is not available now.

Bathilde d'Orléans's brother :

  • Louis Philippe II Duke of Orléans

Bathilde d'Orléans - Biography

Bathilde d'Orléans was a French princess of the blood of the House of Orléans. She was sister of Philippe égalité, the mother of the executed Duke of Enghien and aunt of Louis Philippe I, King of the French. Married to the young Duke of Enghien, a distant cousin, she was always known as the Duchess of Bourbon following the birth of her son. She was known as Citoyenne Vérité during the French Revolution.