Beatrice Winger


Is Beatrice Winger Dead or Still Alive? Beatrice Winger Birthday and Date of Death

Beatrice Winger

Beatrice Winger Death

Beatrice passed away on November 1, 1996. Beatrice's cause of death was car accident.

Beatrice Winger death quick facts:
  • When did Beatrice Winger die?

    November 1, 1996
  • How did Beatrice Winger die? What was the cause of death?

    Car accident
  • How old was Beatrice Winger when died?


Beatrice Winger Birthday and Date of Death

Beatrice Winger died on November 1, 1996.

Birthday: -
Date of Death: November 1, 1996
Age at Death: -

Beatrice Winger - Biography

Beatrice Winger was the first wife of Kip Winger. They got married in 1991.
Kip Winger is an American rock musician, a member of the rock band Winger, and a solo artist. He initially gained notability as a member of Alice Cooper's band, contributing bass and vocals to his Constrictor and Raise Your Fist and Yell albums.

Besides supplying background vocals, Beatrice also designed the CD's black-and-white cover art. "She was just really close to the project," Winger says. In fact, he wrote "Here," the final song on the 11-song disc, for his wife as a Valentine's Day gift.