Betty Amann


Is Betty Amann Dead or Still Alive? Betty Amann Birthday and Date of Death

Betty Amann

Betty Amann Death

Betty passed away on August 3, 1990 at the age of 85 in Westport, Connecticut, USA. Betty's cause of death was natural causes.

Betty Amann death quick facts:
  • When did Betty Amann die?

    August 3, 1990
  • How did Betty Amann die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Betty Amann when died?

  • Where did Betty Amann die? What was the location of death?

    Westport, Connecticut, USA

Betty Amann Birthday and Date of Death

Betty Amann was born on March 10, 1905 and died on August 3, 1990. Betty was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 10, 1905
Date of Death: August 3, 1990
Age at Death: 85

Betty Amann - Biography

Biography by Hans J. WollsteinBorn in Germany to American parents, dark-haired Betty Amann (born Philippine Amann) grew up in the United States. She began her screen career as Bee Amann in the mid-'20s, but returned to Germany after appearing in a Tom Tyler Western for low-budget FBO. Arriving in the wake of Louise Brooks, she was awarded a screen test by Erich Pommer and went on to star or co-star in such German productions as Joe May's silent Asphalt (1929) and the talkies The White Devil (1930), opposite Lil Dagover and Mousjoukine, and Die Kleine Schwindlerin (1933), opposite Dolly Haas. She later did Daughters of Today (1933) in England, but was back in Hollywood by the mid-'30s where she mainly appeared in poverty row productions. Her final appearance came in Edgar G. Ulmer's bizarre Isle of Forgotten Sins (1943) as one of Gale Sondergaard's "hostesses."