Bob Azzam


Is Bob Azzam Dead or Still Alive? Bob Azzam Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Azzam

Bob Azzam Death

Wadih passed away on July 24, 2004 at the age of 78 in Monaco.

Bob Azzam death quick facts:
  • When did Bob Azzam die?

    July 24, 2004
  • How old was Bob Azzam when died?

  • Where did Bob Azzam die? What was the location of death?


Bob Azzam Birthday and Date of Death

Bob Azzam was born on October 24, 1925 and died on July 24, 2004. Wadih was 78 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 24, 1925
Date of Death: July 24, 2004
Age at Death: 78

Bob Azzam - Biography

Wadie George Azzam, better known by his stage name Bob Azzam, (24 October 1925 in Cairo – 24 July 2004 in Monaco) was an Egyptian singer of Lebanese ancestry. With his international hit song "Mustapha", Azzam achieved success in France in the 1960s. The track peaked at #23 in the UK Singles Chart, spending fourteen weeks in that chart. Azzam had a degree in electronic engineering, and has been regarded as the man behind the chamber of echoes "Hors-studio" or "off-studio".