Bob Clayton Death
Bob passed away on November 1, 1979 at the age of 57.
Bob Clayton death quick facts:
When did Bob Clayton die?
November 1, 1979How old was Bob Clayton when died?
Bob Clayton Birthday and Date of Death
Bob Clayton was born on August 17, 1922 and died on November 1, 1979. Bob was 57 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: August 17, 1922
Date of Death: November 1, 1979
Age at Death: 57
Bob Clayton - Biography
Bob Clayton (August 17, 1922 in Atlanta, Georgia – November 1, 1979 in New York City) was an American television game show announcer and host of several shows. He spent his early television career hosting shows in Miami, Florida before moving to New York in the 1960s.