Bob Hollway Death
Bob passed away in 1999 at the age of 72.
When did Bob Hollway die?
1999How old was Bob Hollway when died?
Bob Hollway Birthday and Date of Death
Bob Hollway was born on January 29, 1926 and died in 1999. Bob was 72 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: January 29, 1926
Date of Death: 1999
Age at Death: 72
Bob Hollway - Biography
Robert "Bob" Hollway (January 29, 1926 – March 13, 1999) was an American football player and coach. He played college football for the University of Michigan and was a member of Michigan's undefeated 1947 and 1948 teams. He thereafter coached football at the University of Maine (1951-1952), Eastern Michigan University (1953), Michigan (1954-1965), as the head coach of the National Football League's St. Louis Cardinals (1971-1972), and as an assistant coach for the Minnesota Vikings (1967-1970, 1978-198_) and Detroit Lions (1973-1974), San Francisco 49ers (1975), and Seattle Seahawks (1976-1977).