Bruno Kirby


Is Bruno Kirby Dead or Still Alive? Bruno Kirby Birthday and Date of Death

Bruno Kirby

Bruno Kirby Death

Bruno passed away on August 14, 2006 at the age of 57 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Bruno's cause of death was complications related to leukemia.

Bruno Kirby death quick facts:
  • When did Bruno Kirby die?

    August 14, 2006
  • How did Bruno Kirby die? What was the cause of death?

    Complications related to leukemia
  • How old was Bruno Kirby when died?

  • Where did Bruno Kirby die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, United States

Bruno Kirby Birthday and Date of Death

Bruno Kirby was born on April 28, 1949 and died on August 14, 2006. Bruno was 57 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 28, 1949
Date of Death: August 14, 2006
Age at Death: 57

Is Bruno Kirby's father, Bruce Kirby, dead or alive?

Bruno Kirby's father, Bruce Kirby, is still alive and kicking at the age of 96. He is American and has had a career as an actor.

Bruno Kirby's brother :

  • John Kirby (Acting Coach)

Bruno Kirby - Biography

Bruno Giovanni Quidaciolu, Jr. (April 28, 1949 – August 14, 2006) was an American film and television actor. He was known for his roles in the Hollywood films City Slickers, When Harry Met Sally..., Good Morning, Vietnam, The Godfather Part II, and Donnie Brasco.