C. Aubrey Smith


Is C. Aubrey Smith Dead or Still Alive? C. Aubrey Smith Birthday and Date of Death

C. Aubrey Smith

C. Aubrey Smith Death

C passed away on December 20, 1948 at the age of 85 in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California. C's cause of death was pneumonia.

C. Aubrey Smith death quick facts:
  • When did C. Aubrey Smith die?

    December 20, 1948
  • How did C. Aubrey Smith die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was C. Aubrey Smith when died?

  • Where did C. Aubrey Smith die? What was the location of death?

    Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California

C. Aubrey Smith Birthday and Date of Death

C. Aubrey Smith was born on July 21, 1863 and died on December 20, 1948. C was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: July 21, 1863
Date of Death: December 20, 1948
Age at Death: 85

Is C. Aubrey Smith's father, Charles John, dead or alive?

Charles John's information is not available now.

Is C. Aubrey Smith's mother, Sarah Ann, dead or alive?

Sarah Ann's information is not available now.

C. Aubrey Smith's sisters :

C has 2 sisters:
  • Beryl
  • Myrtle

C. Aubrey Smith's pets, dead or alive?

  • Great Dane
  • Bodor

C. Aubrey Smith - Biography

Sir Charles Aubrey Smith CBE, known to film-goers as C. Aubrey Smith, was an England Test cricketer who became a stage and film actor, acquiring a niche as the officer-and-gentleman type, as in the first sound version of The Prisoner of Zenda. In Hollywood, he organised British actors into a cricket team, playing formal matches that much intrigued local spectators.