Candy Manson


Is Candy Manson Dead or Still Alive? Candy Manson Birthday and Date of Death

Candy Manson

Candy Manson Death

Candy passed away on January 15, 2022 at the age of 38.

Candy Manson death quick facts:
  • When did Candy Manson die?

    January 15, 2022
  • How old was Candy Manson when died?


Candy Manson Birthday and Date of Death

Candy Manson was born on November 11, 1983 and died on January 15, 2022. Candy was 38 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 11, 1983
Date of Death: January 15, 2022
Age at Death: 38

Candy Manson - Biography

Candy Manson was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents immigrated to Chicago from Poland and Candy was raised Catholic. Church seemed to be just a place for Candy to fantasize about f**king though because she had her first lesbian experience at 12 and began screwing the local boys at 16.In 2001 the day after Candy turned 18 she began stripping in some local clubs. She began dancing to replace some money out of an account her dad had set up for her. Candy loves to shop and spent it on shoes - she didn`t want him to notice it was gone so turned to dancing. She was a housedancer at the Scores club in Chicago for four years before making her first flick in 2005.Since then Candy has appeared in over 80 flicks and is still going strong. She won the 2005 Miss Nude Galaxy and was nominated for an AVN Newcomer of the Year Award. She loves to be dominated and does alot of fetish flicks as well. Nothing holds back this in your face porn starlet - she sucks, she f**ks, she takes it everywhere and just wants more and more and more.At the end of the summer in 2006 Candy left her modelling agency and porn for about 6 months and wasn`t sure she would return. She missed the industry though and returned in February 2007 under Lisa Ann`s agency and is loving it. Candy currently lives in Hollywood, California, loves her two tiny dogs and is hoping to settle down one day with a man who can keep up with her and have kids.