How Old Is Carmen Bryan? Carmen Bryan Birthday
Carmen Bryan was born on December 21, 2017 and is 7 years old now.
Birthday: December 21, 2017
How Old - Age: 7
Carmen Bryan Death Fact Check
Carmen is alive and kicking and is currently 7 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Carmen Bryan - Biography
Carmen Bryan formerly worked at Def Jam and Capitol records while sharing a child with rapper Nas. In fact the famous hip hop feud between Nas and Jay-Z is alleged to have its conception when Carmen dated both superstar rappers at the same time resulting in the two artists beginning a war of words in their albums and via their record labels.Although, Bryan’s book primarily concerns itself with dishing all the dirt on her time with Nas and Jay-Z as well as other entertainment industry figures, Carmen also reveals she had a fling with the Sixers and very married superstar, Allen Iverson.