Carmen Bryan


Is Carmen Bryan Dead or Still Alive? Carmen Bryan Birthday and Age

Carmen Bryan

How Old Is Carmen Bryan? Carmen Bryan Birthday

Carmen Bryan was born on December 21, 2017 and is 7 years old now.

Birthday: December 21, 2017
How Old - Age: 7

Carmen Bryan Death Fact Check

Carmen is alive and kicking and is currently 7 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Carmen Bryan - Biography

Carmen Bryan formerly worked at Def Jam and Capitol records while sharing a child with rapper Nas. In fact the famous hip hop feud between Nas and Jay-Z is alleged to have its conception when Carmen dated both superstar rappers at the same time resulting in the two artists beginning a war of words in their albums and via their record labels.Although, Bryan’s book primarily concerns itself with dishing all the dirt on her time with Nas and Jay-Z as well as other entertainment industry figures, Carmen also reveals she had a fling with the Sixers and very married superstar, Allen Iverson.