Caroline Orzabal


Is Caroline Orzabal Dead or Still Alive? Caroline Orzabal Birthday and Date of Death

Caroline Orzabal

Caroline Orzabal Death

Caroline passed away on July 1, 2017 at the age of 62.

Caroline Orzabal death quick facts:
  • When did Caroline Orzabal die?

    July 1, 2017
  • How old was Caroline Orzabal when died?


Caroline Orzabal Birthday and Date of Death

Caroline Orzabal was born in 1955 and died on July 1, 2017. Caroline was 62 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1955
Date of Death: July 1, 2017
Age at Death: 62

Caroline Orzabal - Biography

Caroline Orzabal's been Roland Orzabal's wife since 1982. Roland Orzabal is an English musician, singer-songwriter, and record producer. He is best known as a co-founder of Tears for Fears, of which he is the main songwriter and joint vocalist, but he has also achieved success as a producer of other artists. In 2014, Orzabal published his first novel.
In 1985, Orzabal gained considerable press attention for his strained relationship with his father and a humorous cartoon was printed in the UK tabloid The Sun pertaining to this. The cartoon was later reprinted within the cover artwork for the Tears for Fears single "I Believe".

Orzabal married his wife Caroline (née Johnston) at Bath Register Office in 1982. They have two sons, Raoul (b.1991) and Pascal (b.1994). Caroline can be heard singing the child vocal on the Tears for Fears song "Suffer the Children" from the band's debut album The Hurting, and also drew the "hands" cover artwork for the 1983 re-release of "Pale Shelter". In July 2017, Caroline died from natural causes and Tears for Fears initially withdrew from the remaining shows on the North American tour they were co-headlining with Hall & Oates, citing a family emergency. Roland and Tears for Fears resumed the tour on September 14, 2017, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.