Carroll Quigley


Is Carroll Quigley Dead or Still Alive? Carroll Quigley Birthday and Date of Death

Carroll Quigley

Carroll Quigley Death

Carroll passed away on January 3, 1977 at the age of 66.

Carroll Quigley death quick facts:
  • When did Carroll Quigley die?

    January 3, 1977
  • How old was Carroll Quigley when died?


Carroll Quigley Birthday and Date of Death

Carroll Quigley was born on November 9, 1910 and died on January 3, 1977. Carroll was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: November 9, 1910
Date of Death: January 3, 1977
Age at Death: 66

Carroll Quigley - Biography

Carroll Quigley (/ˈkwɪɡli/; November 9, 1910 – January 3, 1977) was an American historian and theorist of the evolution of civilizations. He is noted for his teaching work as a professor at Georgetown University, for his academic publications, and for his research on the Round Table movement.