Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy Death
Charles passed away on June 12, 1675 at the age of 40 in Turin, Italy.
When did Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy die?
June 12, 1675How old was Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy when died?
40Where did Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy die? What was the location of death?
Turin, Italy
Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy Birthday and Date of Death
Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy was born on June 20, 1634 and died on June 12, 1675. Charles was 40 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: June 20, 1634
Date of Death: June 12, 1675
Age at Death: 40
Is Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy's father, Victor Amadeus I, dead or alive?
Victor Amadeus I's information is not available now.
Is Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy's mother, Christine Marie of France, dead or alive?
Christine Marie of France's information is not available now.
Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy - Biography
Charles Emmanuel II was the Duke of Savoy from 1638 to 1675 and under regency of his mother Christine of France until 1663. He was also Marquis of Saluzzo, Count of Aosta, Geneva, Moriana and Nice, as well as claimant king of Cyprus and Jerusalem. At his death in 1675 his second wife Marie Jeanne of Savoy acted as Regent for their eleven-year-old son.