Christina Onassis


Is Christina Onassis Dead or Still Alive? Christina Onassis Birthday and Date of Death

Christina Onassis

Christina Onassis Death

Christina passed away on November 19, 1988 at the age of 37 in Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Christina's cause of death was drug overdose.

Christina Onassis death quick facts:
  • When did Christina Onassis die?

    November 19, 1988
  • How did Christina Onassis die? What was the cause of death?

    Drug overdose
  • How old was Christina Onassis when died?

  • Where did Christina Onassis die? What was the location of death?

    Tortuguitas, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Christina Onassis Birthday and Date of Death

Christina Onassis was born on December 11, 1950 and died on November 19, 1988. Christina was 37 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 11, 1950
Date of Death: November 19, 1988
Age at Death: 37

Is Christina Onassis's father, Aristotle Onassis, dead or alive?

Christina Onassis's father, Aristotle Onassis, died on March 15, 1975 as he was 75 years old. His cause of death was pneumonia.

Is Christina Onassis's mother, Athina Livanos Onassis, dead or alive?

Athina Livanos Onassis's information is not available now.

Christina Onassis's sister :

  • Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg

Christina Onassis's brothers :

Christina has 3 brothers:
  • Christina Onassis's brother, Alexander Onassis, died on January 23, 1973 as he was 24 years old. His cause of death was plane crash.

  • Christina Onassis's brother, John F. Kennedy, died on November 22, 1963 as he was 46 years old. His cause of death was assassination.

  • Jr

Christina Onassis - Biography

Christina Onassis was an American born Greek/Argentine businesswoman, socialite, and heiress to the Onassis fortune. She was the only daughter of Aristotle Onassis and Athina Livanos.