Cláudio Kano


Is Cláudio Kano Dead or Still Alive? Cláudio Kano Birthday and Date of Death

Cláudio Kano

Cláudio Kano Death

Cláudio passed away on July 1, 1996 at the age of 30 in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Cláudio Kano death quick facts:
  • When did Cláudio Kano die?

    July 1, 1996
  • How old was Cláudio Kano when died?

  • Where did Cláudio Kano die? What was the location of death?

    Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Cláudio Kano Birthday and Date of Death

Cláudio Kano was born on December 18, 1965 and died on July 1, 1996. Cláudio was 30 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 18, 1965
Date of Death: July 1, 1996
Age at Death: 30

Cláudio Kano - Biography

Cláudio Mitsuhiro Kano (December 18, 1965 - July 1, 1996) was a Japanese Brazilian table tennis player who helped popularize the sport in Brazil and "spearheaded Brazilian table tennis in the 1990s." At seventeen he shared two gold medal, in men's doubles and men's team, at the Pan American Games. He went on to win five more golds, three silvers, and two bronze at later Pan American Games. He died in a motorcycle accident. In his life he had also participated in the Summer Olympic Games of 1988 and 1992, but lost in the first stages of both.