Danny Chan Bak Keung


Is Danny Chan Bak Keung Dead or Still Alive? Danny Chan Bak Keung Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Chan Bak Keung

Danny Chan Bak Keung Death

Danny passed away on October 25, 1993 at the age of 35 in Hong Kong.

Danny Chan Bak Keung death quick facts:
  • When did Danny Chan Bak Keung die?

    October 25, 1993
  • How old was Danny Chan Bak Keung when died?

  • Where did Danny Chan Bak Keung die? What was the location of death?

    Hong Kong

Danny Chan Bak Keung Birthday and Date of Death

Danny Chan Bak Keung was born on September 7, 1958 and died on October 25, 1993. Danny was 35 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: September 7, 1958
Date of Death: October 25, 1993
Age at Death: 35

Danny Chan Bak Keung - Biography

Danny Chan Pak-keung (7 September 1958 – 25 October 1993) was a Hong Kong singer and songwriter. He was of the first generation of pop idols in Hong Kong. At the outset of Chan's career, he became a promising keyboardist, singer and songwriter. He made a name for himself with his debut release, "Tears Dropping For You" (眼淚為你流), which established him as a teen idol. "Ripples" (漣漪), "Just Loving You" (偏偏喜歡你) and Yat sang ho kau" (一生何求) are just some of the golden hits written and sung by Chan. He is mostly remembered for his Cantonese romance ballads and high quality compositions. Chan died in 1993 after being in a coma for 17 months.