David Peleg Death
David passed away on November 27, 2013 at the age of 71.
When did David Peleg die?
November 27, 2013How old was David Peleg when died?
David Peleg Birthday and Date of Death
David Peleg was born in 1942 and died on November 27, 2013. David was 71 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: 1942
Date of Death: November 27, 2013
Age at Death: 71
David Peleg - Biography
David Akiva Peleg was born in Jerusalem to a family of Jewish origin from Suwałki, Poland. After World War II, he graduated from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem as a specialist in general history and the history of Islam. In 1965, he started his career within the Israeli diplomatic service.
He served at various posts in Israeli embassies worldwide, after which in 1986 he started his work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Before the outbreak of the Gulf War on 14 January 1991, Peleg as Minister of Information of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, was interviewed by Tom Leykis and the interview was carried nationally on C-SPAN.