Donald Allen


Is Donald Allen Dead or Still Alive? Donald Allen Birthday and Date of Death

Donald Allen

Donald Allen Death

Donald passed away on August 29, 2004 at the age of 92.

Donald Allen death quick facts:
  • When did Donald Allen die?

    August 29, 2004
  • How old was Donald Allen when died?


Donald Allen Birthday and Date of Death

Donald Allen was born in 1912 and died on August 29, 2004. Donald was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1912
Date of Death: August 29, 2004
Age at Death: 92

Donald Allen - Biography

Donald Merriam Allen (Iowa, 1912 – San Francisco, August 29, 2004) was an influential editor, publisher, and translator of contemporary American literature. He is perhaps best known for his project The New American Poetry 1945-1960 (1960), among the several important anthologies of contemporary American innovative writing he made available to the public. Allen began his working life as a Japanese translator within the US military, serving in WWII. After his military service, Allen became an editor at Grove Press, where he worked for sixteen years. He was one of the first translators of the Romanian-French Absurdist playwright Eugène Ionesco, and Allen's 1958 volume Four Plays of Eugène Ionesco helped to introduce the playwright to American audiences in the 1960's.