Estelle Brody


Is Estelle Brody Dead or Still Alive? Estelle Brody Birthday and Date of Death

Estelle Brody

Estelle Brody Death

Estelle passed away on June 3, 1995 at the age of 94 in La Vallette, Malta. Estelle's cause of death was natural causes.

Estelle Brody death quick facts:
  • When did Estelle Brody die?

    June 3, 1995
  • How did Estelle Brody die? What was the cause of death?

    Natural causes
  • How old was Estelle Brody when died?

  • Where did Estelle Brody die? What was the location of death?

    La Vallette, Malta

Estelle Brody Birthday and Date of Death

Estelle Brody was born on August 15, 1900 and died on June 3, 1995. Estelle was 94 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: August 15, 1900
Date of Death: June 3, 1995
Age at Death: 94

Is Estelle Brody's father, Joseph Brody, dead or alive?

Joseph Brody's information is not available now.

Estelle Brody's brother :

  • Murray L. Brody

Estelle Brody - Biography

Estelle Brody (15 August 1900 – 3 June 1995) was an American actress who became one of the biggest female stars of British silent film in the latter half of the 1920s. Her career was then derailed by a series of ill-advised decisions and she disappeared from sight for many years before re-emerging between the late 1940s and the 1960s in smaller supporting film and television roles.