Eva Le Gallienne


Is Eva Le Gallienne Dead or Still Alive? Eva Le Gallienne Birthday and Date of Death

Eva Le Gallienne

Eva Le Gallienne Death

Eva passed away on June 3, 1991 at the age of 92 in Weston, Connecticut, USA. Eva's cause of death was heart attack.

Eva Le Gallienne death quick facts:
  • When did Eva Le Gallienne die?

    June 3, 1991
  • How did Eva Le Gallienne die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Eva Le Gallienne when died?

  • Where did Eva Le Gallienne die? What was the location of death?

    Weston, Connecticut, USA

Eva Le Gallienne Birthday and Date of Death

Eva Le Gallienne was born on January 11, 1899 and died on June 3, 1991. Eva was 92 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 11, 1899
Date of Death: June 3, 1991
Age at Death: 92

Is Eva Le Gallienne's father, Richard Le Gallienne, dead or alive?

Richard Le Gallienne's information is not available now.

Is Eva Le Gallienne's mother, Julie Norregard, dead or alive?

Julie Norregard's information is not available now.

Eva Le Gallienne - Biography

Eva Le Gallienne was an English-born American stage actress, producer, director, translator, and author. A broadway star by age 21, Le Gallienne consciously ended her work on Broadway to devote herself to founding the Civic Repertory Theater, in which she was both director, producer, and lead actress. Noted for her boldness and idealism, she became a pioneering figure in the American Repertory Movement, which enabled today's Off-Broadway. A versatile and eloquent actress herself, Le Gallienne also became a respected stage coach, director, producer and manager. Ms. Le Gallienne consciously devoted herself to the Art of the Theatre as opposed to the Show Business of Broadway and dedicated herself to upgrading the quality of the stage. She ran the Civic Repertory Theatre Company for 10 years (1926-1936), producing 37 plays during that time. She managed Broadway's 1100-seat Civic Repertory Theatre at 107 West 14th Street from 1926-32, which was home to her company whose actors included herself, Burgess Meredith, John Garfield, J. Edward Bromberg, Paul Leyssac, Florida Friebus, and Leona Roberts.