Eva Mozes Kor


Is Eva Mozes Kor Dead or Still Alive? Eva Mozes Kor Birthday and Date of Death

Eva Mozes Kor

Eva Mozes Kor Death

Eva passed away on July 4, 2019 at the age of 85 in Kraków, Poland.

Eva Mozes Kor death quick facts:
  • When did Eva Mozes Kor die?

    July 4, 2019
  • How old was Eva Mozes Kor when died?

  • Where did Eva Mozes Kor die? What was the location of death?

    Kraków, Poland

Eva Mozes Kor Birthday and Date of Death

Eva Mozes Kor was born on January 30, 1934 and died on July 4, 2019. Eva was 85 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 30, 1934
Date of Death: July 4, 2019
Age at Death: 85

Is Eva Mozes Kor's father, Alexandru Mozes, dead or alive?

Alexandru Mozes's information is not available now.

Is Eva Mozes Kor's mother, Zseni Mozes, dead or alive?

Zseni Mozes's information is not available now.

Eva Mozes Kor's sisters :

Eva has 3 sisters:
  • Miriam Mozes
  • Edit Mozes
  • Aliz Mozes

Eva Mozes Kor - Biography

Eva Mozes Kor is a survivor of the Holocaust who, with her twin sister Miriam, was subjected to human experimentation under Josef Mengele at Auschwitz. Both of her parents and two older sisters were killed at the camp; only she and Miriam survived. In 1984 Kor founded the organization CANDLES, through which she located 122 other living Mengele twins, as the experiment survivors came to be known.
Kor has been recognised by four Indiana governors: twice with the Sagamore of the Wabash Award, once with Indiana's Distinguished Hoosier Award, and once in 2017 with the Sachem Award, the highest honour of the state of Indiana. In April 2017, Kor was also named the Grand Marshal of the Indianapolis 500 Festival Parade.

In 1984 Kor founded the CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education Center to educate the public about eugenics, the Holocaust, and the power of forgiveness. Kor received international attention when she publicly forgave the Nazis for what had been done to her. This story was later explored in the 2006 documentary Forgiving Dr. Mengele. She authored or co-authored six books, and took part in numerous memorial services and projects.
On July 4, 2019, Kor died while in Kraków, Poland, accompanying a CANDLES group on an educational trip to Auschwitz. She was 85 years old. She made this trip annually to share her childhood experiences and give tours from her perspective as a survivor.