Frankie Darro


Is Frankie Darro Dead or Still Alive? Frankie Darro Birthday and Date of Death

Frankie Darro

Frankie Darro Death

Frankie passed away on December 25, 1976 at the age of 59 in Huntington Beach, California. Frankie's cause of death was heart attack.

Frankie Darro death quick facts:
  • When did Frankie Darro die?

    December 25, 1976
  • How did Frankie Darro die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Frankie Darro when died?

  • Where did Frankie Darro die? What was the location of death?

    Huntington Beach, California

Frankie Darro Birthday and Date of Death

Frankie Darro was born on December 22, 1917 and died on December 25, 1976. Frankie was 59 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 22, 1917
Date of Death: December 25, 1976
Age at Death: 59

Frankie Darro - Biography

Frankie Darro (born Frank Johnson, Jr. December 22, 1917 – December 25, 1976) was an American actor and later in his career a stuntman. He began his career as a child actor in silent films, progressed to lead roles and co-starring roles in adventure, western, dramatic, and comedy films, and later became a character actor and voice-over artist. He is known for his role as Lampwick, the unlucky boy turned into a donkey in Walt Disney's 2nd animated feature, Pinocchio, which was originally released in February 1940.