Fred Niblo Jr.


Is Fred Niblo Jr. Dead or Still Alive? Fred Niblo Jr. Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Niblo Jr.

Fred Niblo Jr. Death

Fred passed away on February 18, 1973 at the age of 70 in Los Angeles, California. Fred's cause of death was heart attack.

Fred Niblo Jr. death quick facts:
  • When did Fred Niblo Jr. die?

    February 18, 1973
  • How did Fred Niblo Jr. die? What was the cause of death?

    Heart attack
  • How old was Fred Niblo Jr. when died?

  • Where did Fred Niblo Jr. die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California

Fred Niblo Jr. Birthday and Date of Death

Fred Niblo Jr. was born on January 23, 1903 and died on February 18, 1973. Fred was 70 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 23, 1903
Date of Death: February 18, 1973
Age at Death: 70

Fred Niblo Jr. - Biography

Fred Niblo, Jr. (January 23, 1903 – February 1973) was a successful Hollywood screenwriter. His career began in 1930 and lasted a little over twenty years. He died in Los Angeles, California, in February 1973, aged 70. Niblo, Jr., was the son of director Fred Niblo.