Hale Boggs


Is Hale Boggs Dead or Still Alive? Hale Boggs Birthday and Date of Death

Hale Boggs

Hale Boggs Death

Hale passed away on October 16, 1972 at the age of 58.

Hale Boggs death quick facts:
  • When did Hale Boggs die?

    October 16, 1972
  • How old was Hale Boggs when died?


Hale Boggs Birthday and Date of Death

Hale Boggs was born on February 15, 1914 and died on October 16, 1972. Hale was 58 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 15, 1914
Date of Death: October 16, 1972
Age at Death: 58

Hale Boggs - Biography

Thomas Hale Boggs, Sr. (February 15, 1914 - presumably October 16, 1972 but not declared dead until January 3, 1973) was an American Democratic politician and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the House majority leader and a member of the Warren Commission.