Harry Giese


Is Harry Giese Dead or Still Alive? Harry Giese Birthday and Date of Death

Harry Giese

Harry Giese Death

Harry passed away on January 20, 1991 at the age of 87.

Harry Giese death quick facts:
  • When did Harry Giese die?

    January 20, 1991
  • How old was Harry Giese when died?


Harry Giese Birthday and Date of Death

Harry Giese was born on March 2, 1903 and died on January 20, 1991. Harry was 87 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 2, 1903
Date of Death: January 20, 1991
Age at Death: 87

Harry Giese - Biography

Harry Giese (2 March 1903 – 20 January 1991) was a German theatre and voice actor born in Magdeburg, Province of Saxony. He is best known for providing voiceovers on German newsreels during the Second World War and for being the narrator of the anti-semitic propaganda film The Eternal Jew (1940).