Herbert Beerbohm Tree Death
Herbert passed away on July 2, 1917 at the age of 64 in London, United Kingdom. Herbert's cause of death was pulmonary blood clots.
Herbert Beerbohm Tree death quick facts:
When did Herbert Beerbohm Tree die?
July 2, 1917How did Herbert Beerbohm Tree die? What was the cause of death?
Pulmonary blood clotsHow old was Herbert Beerbohm Tree when died?
64Where did Herbert Beerbohm Tree die? What was the location of death?
London, United Kingdom
Herbert Beerbohm Tree Birthday and Date of Death
Herbert Beerbohm Tree was born on December 17, 1852 and died on July 2, 1917. Herbert was 64 years old at the time of death.
Birthday: December 17, 1852
Date of Death: July 2, 1917
Age at Death: 64
Is Herbert Beerbohm Tree's father, Julius Ewald Edward Beerbohm, dead or alive?
Julius Ewald Edward Beerbohm's information is not available now.
Is Herbert Beerbohm Tree's mother, Constantia Draper, dead or alive?
Constantia Draper's information is not available now.
Herbert Beerbohm Tree's sister :
- Constance Beerbohm
Herbert Beerbohm Tree's brothers :
Herbert has 2 brothers:- Julius Beerbohm
- Max Beerbohm
Herbert Beerbohm Tree - Biography
Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree was an English actor and theatre manager.