Ion Popescu Gopo


Is Ion Popescu Gopo Dead or Still Alive? Ion Popescu Gopo Birthday and Date of Death

Ion Popescu Gopo

Ion Popescu Gopo Death

Ion passed away on November 29, 1989 at the age of 66.

Ion Popescu Gopo death quick facts:
  • When did Ion Popescu Gopo die?

    November 29, 1989
  • How old was Ion Popescu Gopo when died?


Ion Popescu Gopo Birthday and Date of Death

Ion Popescu Gopo was born on May 1, 1923 and died on November 29, 1989. Ion was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 1, 1923
Date of Death: November 29, 1989
Age at Death: 66

Ion Popescu Gopo - Biography

Ion Popescu-Gopo (1 May 1923 – 28 November 1989) was a Romanian graphic artist and animator, but also writer, movie director and actor born in Bucharest, Romania. He was a prominent personality in the Romanian cinematography and the founder of the modern Romanian cartoon school. He was, together with Liviu Ciulei and Mirel Ilieşiu one of the few Romanian film artists who won an award at Cannes in the 20th century. His film "Scurtă Istorie" (A Brief History) won the Short Film Palme d'Or for best short film in 1957. His 1965 film The White Moor was entered into the 4th Moscow International Film Festival where he won the award for Best Director. In 1969 he was a member of the jury at the 6th Moscow International Film Festival. In 1977 he was a member of the jury at the 10th Moscow International Film Festival. In 1983 he was a member of the jury at the 13th Moscow International Film Festival.