Ivo Andric


Is Ivo Andric Dead or Still Alive? Ivo Andric Birthday and Date of Death

Ivo Andric

Ivo Andric Death

Ivo passed away on March 13, 1975 at the age of 82 in Beograd, Serbia.

Ivo Andric death quick facts:
  • When did Ivo Andric die?

    March 13, 1975
  • How old was Ivo Andric when died?

  • Where did Ivo Andric die? What was the location of death?

    Beograd, Serbia

Ivo Andric Birthday and Date of Death

Ivo Andric was born on October 9, 1892 and died on March 13, 1975. Ivo was 82 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 9, 1892
Date of Death: March 13, 1975
Age at Death: 82

Ivo Andric - Biography

Ivo Andrić (Serbian Cyrillic: Иво Андрић, 9 October 1892 – 13 March 1975) was a Yugoslav novelist, poet and short story writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1961. His writings dealt mainly with life in his native Bosnia under Ottoman rule.