James Edward Johns


Is James Edward Johns Dead or Still Alive? James Edward Johns Birthday and Date of Death

James Edward Johns

James Edward Johns Death

James passed away in 1984 at the age of 83.

James Edward Johns death quick facts:
  • When did James Edward Johns die?

  • How old was James Edward Johns when died?


James Edward Johns Birthday and Date of Death

James Edward Johns was born on February 22, 1900 and died in 1984. James was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 22, 1900
Date of Death: 1984
Age at Death: 83

James Edward Johns - Biography

James Edward "Ed" Johns (February 22, 1900 – December 1984) was an American football player. Johns attended Central High School in Lansing, Michigan. He was the center on the 1918 Lansing football team that was selected in 1952 as Michigan's all-time greatest high school football team. The 1918 Lansing team defeated Owosso 81-0, Battle Creek 85-0, Grand Rapids South 59-0, and Jackson 96-0. Matched against the Michigan Aggies, now known as the Michigan State Spartans, Lansing won by a score of 40-0. Three players from the 1918 Lansing team, Harry Kipke, Ed Vandervoort, and Johns went on to play for Fielding H. Yost's Michigan Wolverines football teams. Johns enrolled at the University of Michigan in 1919 and played on the freshman football team. He played guard and tackle for the Wolverines varsity football teams from 1920 to 1922. Johns later played professional football for the Cleveland Indians in 1923 and Minnesota Marines in 1924. Johns died in 1984 at age 84 while living in Columbus, Ohio.