Jane Aird


Is Jane Aird Dead or Still Alive? Jane Aird Birthday and Date of Death

Jane Aird

Jane Aird Death

Jane passed away in 1993 at the age of 67.

Jane Aird death quick facts:
  • When did Jane Aird die?

  • How old was Jane Aird when died?


Jane Aird Birthday and Date of Death

Jane Aird was born in 1926 and died in 1993. Jane was 67 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1926
Date of Death: 1993
Age at Death: 67

Jane Aird - Biography

Jane AirdActressBorn: July 6, 1926, Motherwell, United KingdomDied: 1993, Surrey, United KingdomSpouse: Guy Rolfe (m. ?–1993)Movies: Dance, Little LadyPeople also search for: Guy Rolfe, Val Guest, Margaret Allworthy