Jean Michel Byron


Is Jean Michel Byron Dead or Still Alive? Jean Michel Byron Birthday and Age

Jean Michel Byron

How Old Is Jean Michel Byron? Jean Michel Byron Birthday

Jean Michel Byron was born on October 13, 2017 and is 7 years old now.

Birthday: October 13, 2017
How Old - Age: 7

Jean Michel Byron Death Fact Check

Jean-Michel is alive and kicking and is currently 7 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Jean Michel Byron - Biography

Jean-Michel Byron (born Byron DuPlessis) is a South African born rock vocalist and lyricist, perhaps best known internationally as the lead vocalist for Los Angeles rock band Toto for their first Greatest Hits album, Past to Present, as well as the band's Greatest Hits Live...and More project. Originally from East London, South Africa, he attended high (senior secondary) school at John Bissicker High School in a former Coloured area. This is where he showcased his talent and it was evident in his ability that he was destined for success. He sang at high school concerts and community shows. His ability to sing was surpassed only by his will to succeed.