Jerry Renino


Is Jerry Renino Dead or Still Alive? Jerry Renino Birthday and Date of Death

Jerry Renino

Jerry Renino Death

Gerald passed away on March 1, 2007 at the age of 48 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA.

Jerry Renino death quick facts:
  • When did Jerry Renino die?

    March 1, 2007
  • How old was Jerry Renino when died?

  • Where did Jerry Renino die? What was the location of death?

    Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

Jerry Renino Birthday and Date of Death

Jerry Renino was born on October 3, 1958 and died on March 1, 2007. Gerald was 48 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: October 3, 1958
Date of Death: March 1, 2007
Age at Death: 48

Jerry Renino - Biography

Jerry Renino was an Italian musician who was born on October 3, 1958. He was born in White Plains, New York. He graduated from White Plains High School and studied music at SUNY Oswego and CUNY Hunter College. He was the principal bassoonist at CUNY Hunter College, The White Plains Pops Band and the Yonkers Civic Philharmonic Orchestra.
He and clarinetist brother Al, performed duets at Broadway venues for the Brunch Crowd. Although he was a classical bassoonist, Jerry made his principal living as a bass guitarist and vocalist. He toured the world as the Music Director of the Monkees; and separately with Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Peter Noone and Davy Jones. For a number of years he was a popular counselor at the annual Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp, and was featured in a two-hour special about the camp that aired on A&E.

He performed with a number of local orchestras and bands, as well as Gary US Bonds, The Tokens, The Crystals, The Shangrilas, The Coasters, Billy J. Kramer, The Drifters, Freddy Cannon, Leslie Gore, Lou Christie, Tommy Roe, Gene Chandler, and was principal bass guitarist in the touring company of "Grease." His television appearances included NBC's Tonight Show with Jay Leno and The Today Show; ABC Good Morning America, Access Hollywood, The Jerry Lewis Telethon, Nashville Now Prime Time Country, The Rosie O'Donnell Show, Sally Jessie Rafael, Robin Leach - New York At Night, Good Morning Asahi (Japanese TV), Miss Teen USA Pageant, and The Clint Holmes Show.
Gerald "Jerry" Renino died Thursday, March 1, 2007, at home in Bridgeport, Connecticut.