Joe Raposo


Is Joe Raposo Dead or Still Alive? Joe Raposo Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Raposo

Joe Raposo Death

Joe passed away on February 5, 1989 at the age of 51 in Bronxville, New York, USA. Joe's cause of death was lymphoma.

Joe Raposo death quick facts:
  • When did Joe Raposo die?

    February 5, 1989
  • How did Joe Raposo die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Joe Raposo when died?

  • Where did Joe Raposo die? What was the location of death?

    Bronxville, New York, USA

Joe Raposo Birthday and Date of Death

Joe Raposo was born on February 8, 1937 and died on February 5, 1989. Joe was 51 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 8, 1937
Date of Death: February 5, 1989
Age at Death: 51

Joe Raposo - Biography

Joseph Guilherme Raposo, (February 8, 1937 – February 5, 1989) was a Portuguese-American composer, songwriter, pianist, television writer and lyricist, best known for his work on the children's television series Sesame Street, for which he wrote the theme song, as well as classic songs such as "Bein' Green" and "C is for Cookie". He also wrote music for television shows such as The Electric Company, Shining Time Station and the sitcoms Three's Company and The Ropers, including their theme songs. In addition to these works, Raposo also composed extensively for the DePatie-Freleng Enterprises such as Halloween Is Grinch Night, Pontoffel Pock, Where Are You? and The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat.