Johnny Johnston


Is Johnny Johnston Dead or Still Alive? Johnny Johnston Birthday and Date of Death

Johnny Johnston

Johnny Johnston Death

Johnny passed away on January 6, 1996 at the age of 80 in Cape Coral, Florida.

Johnny Johnston death quick facts:
  • When did Johnny Johnston die?

    January 6, 1996
  • How old was Johnny Johnston when died?

  • Where did Johnny Johnston die? What was the location of death?

    Cape Coral, Florida

Johnny Johnston Birthday and Date of Death

Johnny Johnston was born on December 1, 1915 and died on January 6, 1996. Johnny was 80 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 1, 1915
Date of Death: January 6, 1996
Age at Death: 80

Johnny Johnston - Biography

Nightclub singer; leading man in a few Hollywood musicals of the 1940`s. Mr. Johnston began his career in small nightclubs and soon became a singer with Art Kassel and his band, Kassels in the Air. He also appeared on many radi shows in the late 1930`s. In 1942, he signed with Capitol Records - becoming one of the first four srtists signed by the label - and recorded "That Old Black Magic", "I Don`t Want to Walk Without You" and other songs. His recording of "Laura" sold more than a million copies.