Joy Beverley


Is Joy Beverley Dead or Still Alive? Joy Beverley Birthday and Date of Death

Joy Beverley

Joy Beverley Death

Joycelyn passed away on August 31, 2015 at the age of 91 in Bethnal Green, London, England.

Joy Beverley death quick facts:
  • When did Joy Beverley die?

    August 31, 2015
  • How old was Joy Beverley when died?

  • Where did Joy Beverley die? What was the location of death?

    Bethnal Green, London, England

Joy Beverley Birthday and Date of Death

Joy Beverley was born on May 5, 1924 and died on August 31, 2015. Joycelyn was 91 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 5, 1924
Date of Death: August 31, 2015
Age at Death: 91

Is Joy Beverley's father, George Arthur Chinery, dead or alive?

George Arthur Chinery's information is not available now.

Is Joy Beverley's mother, Victoria Alice Miles, dead or alive?

Victoria Alice Miles's information is not available now.

Joy Beverley's sisters :

Joycelyn has 2 sisters:
  • Joy Beverley's sister, Babs Beverley, died on October 28, 2018 as he was 91 years old. His cause of death was cancer.

  • Joy Beverley's sister, Teddie Beverley, is still alive and kicking at the age of 97. She is British and has had a career as a singer.

Joy Beverley - Biography

Joy Beverley was born on May 5, 1924 in Bethnal Green, London, England as Joycelyn Chinery. She was married to Billy Wright and Roger Carocari. Sister of Babs Beverley and Teddie Beverley. Her twin sisters were born on Joy's third birthday, meaning all three sisters had the same birthday.
She, along with sisters Teddie and Babs, seemed born into the music world with their parents themselves being performers. During the Second World War the sisters appeared in advertisements for Ovaltine as "Bonnie Babies". Their status as stars grew and they went on to have their own television show Three Little Girls in View, which later became Those Beverley Sisters.

The sisters were signed by Columbia Records in 1951 and became, at that point, the highest paid female act. Their hits included "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus", "Bye Bye Love" and "Always and Forever". The sisters performed together as late as 2009, but they retired after that.