Juan García Esquivel


Is Juan García Esquivel Dead or Still Alive? Juan García Esquivel Birthday and Date of Death

Juan García Esquivel

Juan García Esquivel Death

Juan passed away on January 3, 2002 at the age of 83.

Juan García Esquivel death quick facts:
  • When did Juan García Esquivel die?

    January 3, 2002
  • How old was Juan García Esquivel when died?


Juan García Esquivel Birthday and Date of Death

Juan García Esquivel was born on January 20, 1918 and died on January 3, 2002. Juan was 83 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 20, 1918
Date of Death: January 3, 2002
Age at Death: 83

Juan García Esquivel - Biography

Juan García Esquivel (January 20, 1918 – January 3, 2002) often simply known as Esquivel!, was a Mexican band leader, pianist, and composer for television and films. He is recognized today as one of the foremost exponents of a sophisticated style of largely instrumental music that combines elements of lounge music and jazz with Latin flavors. Esquivel is sometimes called "The King of Space Age Pop" and "The Busby Berkeley of Cocktail Music." Esquivel is considered one of the foremost exponents of a style of late 1950s-early 1960s quirky instrumental pop that became known (in retrospect) as "Space Age Bachelor Pad Music".