Kevin Lloyd


Is Kevin Lloyd Dead or Still Alive? Kevin Lloyd Birthday and Date of Death

Kevin Lloyd

Kevin Lloyd Death

Kevin passed away on May 2, 1998 at the age of 49.

Kevin Lloyd death quick facts:
  • When did Kevin Lloyd die?

    May 2, 1998
  • How old was Kevin Lloyd when died?


Kevin Lloyd Birthday and Date of Death

Kevin Lloyd was born on March 28, 1949 and died on May 2, 1998. Kevin was 49 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: March 28, 1949
Date of Death: May 2, 1998
Age at Death: 49

Kevin Lloyd - Biography

Kevin Reardon Lloyd (28 March 1949 – 2 May 1998) was an English actor, best known for portraying DC Alfred "Tosh" Lines in Thames Television's The Bill.