Kristen Parker


Is Kristen Parker Dead or Still Alive? Kristen Parker Birthday and Date of Death

Kristen Parker

Kristen Parker Death

Kristen Parker passed away on August 19, 1988 at the age of 17 in Springwood, Ohio.

Kristen Parker death quick facts:
  • When did Kristen Parker die?

    August 19, 1988
  • How old was Kristen Parker when died?

  • Where did Kristen Parker die? What was the location of death?

    Springwood, Ohio

Kristen Parker Birthday and Date of Death

Kristen Parker was born on January 14, 1971 and died on August 19, 1988. Kristen Parker was 17 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: January 14, 1971
Date of Death: August 19, 1988
Age at Death: 17

Is Kristen Parker's father, Kirk Parker, dead or alive?

Kirk Parker's information is not available now.

Is Kristen Parker's mother, Elaine Parker, dead or alive?

Kristen Parker's mother, Elaine Parker, is still alive and kicking.

Kristen Parker - Biography

Kristen Parker was born in 1971 to Elaine Parker and Kirk Parker, in Springwood, Ohio. In 1968, her parents, along with the other Parents of Elm Street, burned child murderer Freddy Krueger to death after the courts let him go free on a technicality. The parents established themselves on Elm Street and covered up all traces of Krueger. Kristen was born three years later, and was never told about Krueger or his parents' hand in his death. At a young age, Kristen began to demonstrate extraordinary abilities: she sometimes pulled her father into her dreams. Kirk always thought these experiences were normal dreams of his, and never suspected a thing. However, this strange ability of Kristen's stopped manifesting when her father left the family. Following this, Elaine began to frequently bring men home, and her relationship with Kristen could be described as rocky at best. Some time before the events detailed below, Elaine took away Kristen's credit cards