Larry Mumar


Is Larry Mumar Dead or Still Alive? Larry Mumar Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Mumar

Larry Mumar Death

Lawrence passed away on October 23, 2001 at the age of 54 in Cebu City. Lawrence's cause of death was lung cancer.

Larry Mumar death quick facts:
  • When did Larry Mumar die?

    October 23, 2001
  • How did Larry Mumar die? What was the cause of death?

    Lung cancer
  • How old was Larry Mumar when died?

  • Where did Larry Mumar die? What was the location of death?

    Cebu City

Larry Mumar Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Mumar was born in 1947 and died on October 23, 2001. Lawrence was 54 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: 1947
Date of Death: October 23, 2001
Age at Death: 54

Is Larry Mumar's father, Lauro Mumar, dead or alive?

Lauro Mumar's information is not available now.

Larry Mumar - Biography

Lauro "The Fox" Mumar (Talibon, Bohol, Philippines), was a Filipino basketball player and later served as the national team head coach of India and the Philippines. He was one of the greatest Filipino players of his time, playing alongside compatriot legend Carlos Loyzaga.
In 1946, he led the San Carlos College of Cebu City to the first post-war Inter-Collegiate basketball championship. He later moved to Manila to play for the varsity team of Letran College where he led the squad nicknamed "Murder Inc." to the 1950 NCAA Philippines championship title.

Mumar was banned for life to play for the national team by the Philippine Amateur Athletic Federation when he failed to join the rest of the 1954 FIBA World Championship national squad that left Manila for the United States where the team is set to play tune up games. This led to a national controversy where his ban was discussed in the House of Representatives and it was found out that he was in Bohol waiting for pocket money from his parents, which never arrived to be able to go to the capital. President Ramon Magsaysay talked with PAAF officials to overturn the ban and was successful.