Larry Walters


Is Larry Walters Dead or Still Alive? Larry Walters Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Walters

Larry Walters Death

Larry passed away on October 6, 1993 at the age of 44 in Angeles National Forest. Larry's cause of death was suicide by gunshot.

Larry Walters death quick facts:
  • When did Larry Walters die?

    October 6, 1993
  • How did Larry Walters die? What was the cause of death?

    Suicide by gunshot
  • How old was Larry Walters when died?

  • Where did Larry Walters die? What was the location of death?

    Angeles National Forest

Larry Walters Birthday and Date of Death

Larry Walters was born on April 19, 1949 and died on October 6, 1993. Larry was 44 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: April 19, 1949
Date of Death: October 6, 1993
Age at Death: 44

Larry Walters - Biography

Lawrence Richard Walters, nicknamed "Lawnchair Larry" or the "Lawn Chair Pilot", (April 19, 1949 – October 6, 1993) was an American truck driver who took flight on July 2, 1982, in a homemade airship. Dubbed Inspiration I, the "flying machine" consisted of an ordinary patio chair with 45 helium-filled weather balloons attached to it. Walters rose to an altitude of over 15,000 feet (4,600 m) and floated from his point of origin in San Pedro, California, into controlled airspace near Los Angeles International Airport. His flight was widely reported.