LaToya Jackson


Is LaToya Jackson Dead or Still Alive? LaToya Jackson Birthday and Age

LaToya Jackson

How Old Is LaToya Jackson? LaToya Jackson Birthday

LaToya Jackson was born on July 3, 1989 and is 35 years old now.

Birthday: July 3, 1989
How Old - Age: 35

LaToya Jackson Death Fact Check

LaToya is alive and kicking and is currently 35 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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LaToya Jackson - Biography

LaToya J. Jackson is an American Reality Television/Radio personality best known for her appearance on season 27 of MTV's The Real World: St. Thomas, which aired in Summer 2012. After graduating from v*rginia State University in 2011, LaToya joined the MTV St Thomas cast and has since been involved in a series of work including appearances, speaking engagements, and the creator/host of the online radio talk show "Toibox Radio". Toibox Radio is a Live online radio show that brings you reality star/celebrity Interviews, Music, & Celeb Gossip.