Lazaros Christodoulopoulos


Is Lazaros Christodoulopoulos Dead or Still Alive? Lazaros Christodoulopoulos Birthday and Age

Lazaros Christodoulopoulos

How Old Is Lazaros Christodoulopoulos? Lazaros Christodoulopoulos Birthday

Lazaros Christodoulopoulos was born on December 19, 1986 and is 37 years old now.

Birthday: December 19, 1986
How Old - Age: 37

Lazaros Christodoulopoulos Death Fact Check

Lazaros Christodoulopoulos is alive and kicking and is currently 37 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lazaros Christodoulopoulos - Biography

Lazaros Christodoulopoulos (Greek: Λάζαρος Χριστοδουλόπουλος; born 19 December 1986) is a Greek footballer who plays for Serie A club Sampdoria on loan from Hellas Verona and the Greek national team. His main strengths are his technique, pace and acceleration with the ball. Like his Greek teammate Sokratis Papastathopoulos, his surname is too long to fit on his shirt, so his shirt reads Lazaros instead.