Lee Fierro


Is Lee Fierro Dead or Still Alive? Lee Fierro Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Fierro

Lee Fierro Death

Lee passed away on April 5, 2020 at the age of 91 in Canton, Ohio, USA. Lee's cause of death was Coronavirus.

Lee Fierro death quick facts:
  • When did Lee Fierro die?

    April 5, 2020
  • How did Lee Fierro die? What was the cause of death?

  • How old was Lee Fierro when died?

  • Where did Lee Fierro die? What was the location of death?

    Canton, Ohio, USA

Lee Fierro Birthday and Date of Death

Lee Fierro was born on February 13, 1929 and died on April 5, 2020. Lee was 91 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: February 13, 1929
Date of Death: April 5, 2020
Age at Death: 91

Lee Fierro - Biography

Lee Fierro is an actress who was born on February 13, 1929. She is known for Jaws (1975), Jaws: The Revenge (1987) and The Mistover Tale (2016).
Fierro's famous scene in Jaws, in which she (as Mrs. Kintner) slapped the police chief, required several takes. Fierro reportedly had "objected to the profanity" of the scene's dialogue as originally drafted, and the director, Steven Spielberg, wanted dialogue that accorded with Fierro's "everywoman looks," so the scene's dialogue was rewritten the day before it was filmed.

Several decades after the filming of Jaws (1975), Lee Fierro, who plays Mrs. Kintner, walked into a seafood restaurant and noticed that the menu had an "Alex Kintner Sandwich". She commented that she had played his mother so many years ago. The owner of the restaurant ran out to meet her - none other than Jeffrey Voorhees, who had played her son. They hadn't seen each other since the original movie shoot.