Lenore Lemmon


Is Lenore Lemmon Dead or Still Alive? Lenore Lemmon Birthday and Date of Death

Lenore Lemmon

Lenore Lemmon Death

Lenore passed away on December 20, 1989 at the age of 66 in New York, NY. Lenore's cause of death was alcohol dementia.

Lenore Lemmon death quick facts:
  • When did Lenore Lemmon die?

    December 20, 1989
  • How did Lenore Lemmon die? What was the cause of death?

    Alcohol dementia
  • How old was Lenore Lemmon when died?

  • Where did Lenore Lemmon die? What was the location of death?

    New York, NY

Lenore Lemmon Birthday and Date of Death

Lenore Lemmon was born on May 11, 1923 and died on December 20, 1989. Lenore was 66 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 11, 1923
Date of Death: December 20, 1989
Age at Death: 66

Lenore Lemmon - Biography

Lemmon was the daughter of Arthur Lemmon, a successful Broadway ticket broker. In her early years, she was known as a party girl member of Cafe Society. She was well known and liked in the nightclub world and was infamous as the only woman ever tossed out of the Stork Club for fist-fighting.In 1941 she married Jacob L. "Jakie" Webb, who was a great-great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt. She left him after eight days but remained married long enough for the colorful Webb to marry someone else several years later and face bigamy charges. She later married and divorced musician Hamish Menzies.In the late 1950s, Lemmon was the girlfriend and fiancée of Adventures of Superman star George Reeves. The couple were to be married in Mexico on June 19, 1959, honeymoon in Spain and then go to Australia for public appearances as Superman. However, Reeves died of a gunshot wound to the head three days before the scheduled wedding. Lemmon attempted, without success, to claim a share of Reeves`s estateShe returned to New York where she lived out the remainder of her life, her last years spent, according to her family, in alcohol dementia.She was portrayed by Robin Tunney in the 2006 movie Hollywoodland.