Leo Shuken


Is Leo Shuken Dead or Still Alive? Leo Shuken Birthday and Date of Death

Leo Shuken

Leo Shuken Death

Leo passed away on July 24, 1976 at the age of 69 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Leo Shuken death quick facts:
  • When did Leo Shuken die?

    July 24, 1976
  • How old was Leo Shuken when died?

  • Where did Leo Shuken die? What was the location of death?

    Los Angeles, California, USA

Leo Shuken Birthday and Date of Death

Leo Shuken was born on December 8, 1906 and died on July 24, 1976. Leo was 69 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: December 8, 1906
Date of Death: July 24, 1976
Age at Death: 69

Leo Shuken - Biography

Leo Shuken was an American composer and orchestrator, best known for his western scores. He was co-recipient of the Oscar for best scoring of Stagecoach (1939). In his heyday, Shuken was under contract to Paramount, 1937-1944, at which time he worked on several films of the director Preston Sturges. In collaboration with Jack Hayes, Shuken subsequently became a prolific writer of music for TV westerns, with many episodes of Gunsmoke (1955), Wagon Train (1957) and The v*rginian (1962) to his credit. Along with Hayes, he also orchestrated some of the best film music of Elmer Bernstein, including The Magnificent Seven (1960), The Great Escape (1963), Hawaii (1966) and Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967). His other output included a "Trumpet Concerto" and the "The Dorsey Concerto", written specifically for the two famous band leaders and performed on trombone by Tommy and on clarinet and saxophone by Jimmy.