Leonard Sillman


Is Leonard Sillman Dead or Still Alive? Leonard Sillman Birthday and Date of Death

Leonard Sillman

Leonard Sillman Death

Leonard passed away on January 23, 1982 at the age of 73.

Leonard Sillman death quick facts:
  • When did Leonard Sillman die?

    January 23, 1982
  • How old was Leonard Sillman when died?


Leonard Sillman Birthday and Date of Death

Leonard Sillman was born on May 9, 1908 and died on January 23, 1982. Leonard was 73 years old at the time of death.

Birthday: May 9, 1908
Date of Death: January 23, 1982
Age at Death: 73

Leonard Sillman - Biography

Leonard Sillman (May 9, 1908 - January 23, 1982) was an American Broadway producer. Born in Detroit, Michigan on May 9, 1908, he was the brother of June Carroll, the brother-in-law of Sidney Carroll and the uncle of Steve Reich and Jonathan Carroll. He is perhaps best known for his series of musical revues, Leonard Sillman's New Faces, which introduced many major stars to Broadway audiences, such as Eartha Kitt, Inga Swenson, Paul Lynde and Maggie Smith. Versions of New Faces were produced in 1934, 1936 (made into the film New Faces of 1937), 1943, 1952 (made into the film New Faces), 1956, 1962 and 1968. The very first New Faces in 1934 included actors Henry Fonda, Imogene Coca and Frances Dewey Wormser.