Lies Bonnier


Is Lies Bonnier Dead or Still Alive? Lies Bonnier Birthday and Age

Lies Bonnier

How Old Is Lies Bonnier? Lies Bonnier Birthday

Lies Bonnier was born on July 8, 1925 and is 99 years old now.

Birthday: July 8, 1925
How Old - Age: 99

Lies Bonnier Death Fact Check

Lies is alive and kicking and is currently 99 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lies Bonnier - Biography

Elisabeth Johanna Maria "Lies" Bonnier (born 8 July 1925) is a retired Dutch swimmer who won a silver medal at the 1950 European Aquatics Championships in the 200 m breaststroke. In 1952, after winning a national title, she competed in the same event at the Summer Olympics, but was eliminated in preliminaries. On 17 November 1953 she married Chris Burg.