Lord Ahriman


Is Lord Ahriman Dead or Still Alive? Lord Ahriman Birthday and Age

Lord Ahriman

How Old Is Lord Ahriman? Lord Ahriman Birthday

Lord Ahriman was born in 1972 and is 52 years old now.

Birthday: 1972
How Old - Age: 52

Lord Ahriman Death Fact Check

Ahriman is alive and kicking and is currently 52 years old.
Please ignore rumors and hoaxes.
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Lord Ahriman - Biography

Lord Ahriman is a Swedish musician and composer best known as the primary guitarist and songwriter of black metal band Dark Funeral. He is the only founding member remaining in the band, he is also rhythm guitarist in Wolfen Society. His name is derived from Ahriman (Persian: اهریمن‎‎), the evil equivalent of the deity Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism.